Tjampawa Stevens

Tjampawa Stevens

Pitjantjatjara Language Group


90 x 93cm

Ref No: TS11361

This is my father's country, Kulpitjara. It's close to Amata. This is the creation story for the Emu. The
Emus came from Tipil near Watarru community. At Kulpitjara they sat near the hills. This is the camp
and home for all the Emus, its a big camp and beautiful country.There is sand hills, rocky outcrops and
water close by. All the Emus came for food and water. They were making bush shelters and it was a lot
of hard work, but alas the shelters were weak and fell down. They made another shelter, but that also
collapsed. Then they made a really large shelter and made it strong. This is a true stroy from my father's

Tjampawa was born in the Western Desert at Areyonga in the Northern Territory around 1947. Areyonga is her father's country and her mother's place is Waltytjara and Arran at the intersection of the three borders of Western Australia, Northern Territory and South Australia. She came to Nyapari with her husband (Keith Stevens) and five children to establish a community on their tradition land.



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